Thursday, November 28, 2019

13 SEO Myths That Will Probably Kill Your Ranks in 2020

Faster, easier, higher. That’s what we’re all up to when it comes to ranks and traffic, right? Well, easy wins with little effort are rare in SEO. There are most likely SEO myths that will wipe out your business instead of boosting it.


As we are often being asked about many misconceptions from the SEO world, we’ve decided to gather and share with you the most important SEO myths that tend to keep you from improving your ranks and traffic. And of course, clarify them once and for all.


13 SEO Myths That Are Probably Killing Your Ranks


SEO can make you or break you, depending on how you’re using it. Here’s an idea of what you should stay away off, the SEO myths. Read them, breath them and live without them:


  1. Using Tabbed Content Can Penalize Your Site
  2. Syndicate Content Does Hurt Your SEO
  3. It’s Better to Have More Links Than More Content
  4. The Disavow Tool Is Useless After Penguin 4.0
  5. Links in Comments and Forums Will Attract Google Penalties
  6. Social Signals Don’t Impact SEO
  7. All Backlinks Are Created Equally
  8. Keyword Optimization Matters Most in SEO
  9. Artificial Social Shares Will Boost Your Rankings
  10. Keyword Density Should Be at Least 2% to Increase Your Rankings
  11. A High Number of Links Is All You Need to Rank on the Top
  12. You Don’t Need an SEO Specialist, Anyone Can Do It
  13. SEO Is All About Rankings


The evolution of SEO is faster than our ability to perceive it. Over the years, it appeared so many speculations regarding SEO that you would think you were at a stock market.


The long list of SEO myths continues to be more and more voluminous. Some of these myths appeared from the need of the so-called experts who wanted to find out Google’s next move. It is sad to see these people living and dying by Google’s quotes and PR statements.


Let’s move past the “SEO is dead” phrase and start focusing on certain facts pertaining more to bad documentation rather than to real myths. SEO is not dead and we’ll be long gone when and IF that will really happen. It is very much alive and, we might add, omnipresent.


SEO is not about shenanigans. SEO is not something you can easily use to bring your newly created website on top of results like some magic fairy dust. Rather, it is a continuously evolving industry. There is no one-time recipe for SEO algorithms that change every day. You have to adjust your strategies accordingly and act naturally. Otherwise, you might look suspicious.


We’ve seen a lot of stressed and frustrated people blaming it on tools and agencies when they don’t see the SEO efforts equating to payoffs instantaneously. Even the creation of the world took more than one day. Good results don’t come easily.

Digital marketers understand that SEO is not a magic pill that will skyrocket your rankings in one day.
Vishal Ray Malik Vishal Ray Malik
Founder of ConversionLink / @vishalraymalik

1. Using Tabbed Content Can Penalize Your Site


Tabbed content started as a solution for keeping your site clean and to the point, without overcrowding the reader. They could show or hide the content by a click. What started as a good thing for the user ended badly for the search engine crawlers.


The hidden text using expandable sections was bad for SEO because bots could not read the text and therefore the website couldn’t get indexed or ranked.


Google discarded the websites that used the “click-to-expand” type of content because it thought they were hiding it from the user, exactly the opposite of its intention. But as you all know, there might have been a grain of truth in Google’s position towards tabbed content because there are all sorts of people trying to trick Google.


John Mueller stated that Google may not rank the page for the tabbed content because it knows users do not see the content by default.

From our point of view, it’s always a tricky problem when we send a user to a page where we know this content is actually hidden. Because the user will see perhaps the content in the snippet, they’ll click through the page, and say, well, I don’t see where this information is on this page. I feel kind of almost misled to click on this to actually get in there.
John Mueller SEO John Mueller
Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google /  @JohnMu

You can listen to his answer in the next video:



Nonetheless, we must understand that Google penalizes those websites that deceptively use hidden text.


Matt Cutts explained in the video below that using JavaScript for collapsing content is an accepted and a common practice by lots of ecommerce websites that want to make their site more welcoming.



Using JavaScript for tabbed content that includes hidden text is an accepted example within Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Not all hidden text is considered deceptive. For example, if your site includes technologies that search engines have difficulty accessing, like JavaScript, images, or Flash files, using descriptive text for these items can improve the accessibility of your site.
Google logo Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Let’s take Wikipedia, for example, the online encyclopedia that uses on-click expandable content on the mobile version.


Wikipedia expandable content


If you look at the picture above you can see that the collapse sections complement the content. There is a lot of information on the page and you can easily go and read only what you’re interested in, and not the whole article.


Using tabbed content is not bad for SEO and Google won’t penalize your site if it is implemented in a non-spammy way. The hidden text or links is considered spammy if it there solely for search engines rather than visitors.


2. Syndicate Content Does Hurt Your SEO


First, let’s start by saying duplicate content is neither syndicate content nor article spinning.


We all know about duplicate content and the long talk over the year, when it has been said that duplicate content will penalize your website. Things have changed and we learnt that the duplicate content penalty was a myth. Matt Cutts and Andrey Lipattsev said repeatedly that duplicate content doesn’t get you penalized, while copied content does.


As for article spinning, the penalization is applied. It is a technique used in SEO by rewriting articles and replacing specific words, phrases, sentences trying to provide a different version by each spin.


However, syndicated content refers to a situation when a third party publishes an article taken from a source while mentioning it and doesn’t take credit for the article. Syndicated content doesn’t violate Private Label Rights (PLR) either because the original author keeps the ownership of the article and offers a Creative Commons license for reposting.  


If all these steps are followed, then syndicate content won’t damage your site or your SEO; it won’t be deemed copied content and get you penalized. So the myth of syndicate content must be broken. Syndication is not a form of plagiarism as long as there is a source cited.


The truth is that only copied content and article spinning will penalize your website.


Here’s what John Mueller says in Search Console Help, regarding content that is automatically generated, doesn’t comply with the copyright infringement and the Webmaster Guidelines.

Our algorithms prefer unique, compelling and high-quality content. Content that is rewritten, “spun,” automatically translated or otherwise modified in an attempt to make it appear unique would go against our Webmaster Guidelines and can result in action being taken against sites that rely on such content.
John Mueller SEO John mueller
Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google /  @JohnMu

Syndication can really help you if done correctly. If you use it as an amplification technique, you get the chance to rich a broader audience.


There are a lot of trustworthy websites that publish syndicate content and have a large number of people that are subscribed to the newsletter and RSS feed through a dedicated service like Feedly.




3. It’s Better to Have More Links Than More Content


There was a time when it was better to have more links than content to rank higher in Google. Back then, links had more value. Building links on specific anchor texts was essential for SEO industries and to boost your search rankings. And since it began to have such a huge effect on rankings, all kinds of webmasters and SEO pros started to do link building just to create chunks of links, thinking only about quantity and not at all about quality. Google realized that people abused this technique and flooded the SERP with irrelevant and bad sites getting triggered there only by having bad inbound links with no value for the user.


The solution Google found was the Webspam Update, named Penguin afterward. This big change happened on April 24, 2012, when Penguin was released for the first time. Back then, it addressed problems such as keyword stuffing and link schemes. Later on, they took the problem into their own hands and penalized sites with unnatural, manipulative inbound link profiles.


Both Matt Cutts and Andrey Lipattsev confirmed that content, links and RankBrain are the first 3 rankings factors. All of them are equally important. None of them is more important than the other (according to Google). 


But here is just one of the myths you should leave behind: links value more than content. Put your ideas into action and start creating an abundance of new pieces of content or improve the ones you already have. Information is in your pocket.  


A natural link profile and good content can bring you high rankings. And the best way to do it comes from the SEO masters and people that went through all Google dances and managed to dance all the way up to the present.


Bill Sebald, from Greenlane, managed to improve the rank from #5 to #2 for the period of time they optimized the content with the help of Content Assistant. And he’s not the only one. The knowledge and tools are here; you just have to create the strategy and take some time to do it.


Within 24 hours, we saw our rank improve from #5 for the term we were optimizing for to #2. This fluctuated over the next few days but then we settled into the #2 spot and have remained there since. Read the full case study.
Founder Greenlane / @billsebald

4. The Disavow Tool Is Useless After Penguin 4.0


To disavow or not to disavow? That is the question.


We get tons of emails and questions from people saying they know disavow tools are useless and Google knows which links they built and which they didn’t.


Let’s take the example above that can prove our point:

I saw that I have some links marked as unnatural, but I have never built those links. Google says if you never built the link then don’t worry about it. I only built the link to a single post which is 100 photoshop tutorials post so that is why I am shocked to see that all of my links are marked unnatural by your tool.

The 100 photoshop tutorials post is unnatural itself. Google might ignore it, but it might not. Google doesn’t know if you built those links. They are pointing to your site and that’s it. Maybe someone did a negative SEO attack on your website. Google could see that as something you did and penalize you. What Matt Cutts and John Mueller say is different from what the algorithm does.


When Google Penguin 4.0 went live, Gary Illyes said:

Traditionally, webspam algorithms demoted whole sites. With this one, we managed to devalue spam instead of demoting AND it’s also more granular AND it’s real time. Once the rollout is complete, I strongly believe many people will be happier, and that makes me happy.
Gary Illyes Gary Illyes
Google spokesperson / @methode

People still asked if the disavow tool was still necessary, along with this update:

Gary Illyes disavow tool

John Mueller disavow tool


5. Links in Comments and Forums Will Attract Google Penalties


SEO myth busting again; here’s the urban legend that has been brought to life: all community engagement is toxic, such as links in comments and forums.


Don’t confuse blog commenting and forums with directories. The latter are more suspicious, but for sure in that case, also, there are white-hat directories. One of the clearest differences to emerge is that a forum is a discussion panel and a directory is an online list or catalog of websites.


The mirror has two faces. If we’re to take forums in general and links in comments (even nofollow links) we would say that they have low-quality, because there are a lot of spammers. Along the years, lots of forums were bombarded by constant spam messages from marketers trying to cash in on a captive audience and build lots and lots of spammy links. It was a time when forums were popular, that’s why the bad guys focused their attention on them.


Forums have some advantages:

  • Have niched users;
  • They bring topical relevancy;
  • Have loyal users, that help increase website traffic through repeated visits;
  • Easily create a connection and build a relationship because you no longer have to search them and capture their attention;
  • Easier to gain trust.


So you can understand why spammers were attracted by building links there through comments. But with time, just like Google, proper forums that delivered relevant information started to have more restrictions on user-generated content (UGC).

The next wave of the Web is going to be user-generated content.
John Doerr John Doerr
General partner KPCB / @johndoerr

You can find lots of trustworthy forums and social communities built on user-generated content that provide valuable information from experts and pros. Reddit, WebmasterWorld, Moz Forum, Quora, Campus Society, Stumble Upon, Tumblr are just a few examples of communities built on user-generated content, each of them focusing on a specific audience.  


Did you know that millennials spend 30% of their media consumption time with content that is created by their peers (UGC) and consider it to be more memorable than other media? But that’s not all, user-generated content is trusted more than traditional media (59%) according to a research made by Ipsos MediaCT/Crowdtap.


media trusworthiness


Millennials are also committed to engaging with social media on a daily basis above all other media types.


Let’s debunk this myth together. Community engagement is not toxic if it observes Google’s quality guidelines and comment links from forums and user-generated communities are naturally placed there.


6. Social Signals Don’t Impact SEO


Come into the mythical place named Narnia, where everything is possible and social activity has no value for SEO. Well, let’s see why it is a myth and which is the truth behind it.


I hear lots of people saying things like:

“Is it true that likes on Facebook, Twitter, and so on, do not count towards Google rankings? Well, why bother improving my social activity?”

Or even asking:

What would be the SEO benefit of linking to Instagram/Facebook/Twitter posts?


But the real question should be “Is your site providing added-value for your users?” rather than thinking of the “SEO benefits”.


Let’s get one thing straight: it is true that a “like” on a social account doesn’t influence Google rankings, but they have a positive influence among shares, engagement. John Mueller states that there is no direct ranking signal in Google’s ranking algorithm. Google treats Facebook and Twitter posts like any other web pages for search, but NOT as a ranking factor. But this doesn’t mean social signal has no value for SEO. It indirectly influences website rankings.  


Social signals have a lot of value in this manner. You build your brand and drive traffic to your website, therefore influencing your rank on Google.  


Social Signals and SEO



We conducted a study on this topic and the numbers were clear: a strong presence on social networks is correlated with better rankings. This means that, in general, the higher the ranking of the website, the higher the chances that the average presence on social network is larger.


Another interesting discovery was the fact that Facebook post engagement has a strong connection with organic search CTR. Larry Kim saw that Facebook posts with extraordinarily high engagement rates tended to have above expected organic search CTR.


relationship between organic rankings & social shares



In the end, it is about how engaging your content is.




If you have a successful activity on your social accounts and create engagement, you have the possibility to attract a larger audience and send it to your site. On top of that, that audience can share the information and amplify it, organically. Influencers come to your site and in no time you can increase the number of links, which boosts your SEO efforts.

Links are the confound in the correlation between social shares and rankings.
AJ Kohn AJ Kohn
Owner, Blind Five Year Old / @ajkohn

Remember that social engagement sends positive signals to Google. Long story short, social signals have an indirect impact on SEO and a powerful impact on search rankings. The result of the social activity is more valuable than the action per se. That’s the one that counts.


7. All Backlinks Are Created Equally


Oh boy! Oh boy! They never stop coming. I’ll boil this down to the bare facts.


You know and I know that there are bad and good links. Getting at this point, we can see that backlinks are not created equal. But let’s not stop here.


Let’s go on with the good links and say that they are created equally. At this point, I have to ask you: is a link on Forbes equal with bananaroots.wordpress. com? The first domain is an American business magazine and the second one is a blog about bananas. Firstly, the two domains are different by the industry, secondly by the domain influence/authority and page influence/authority.


There are so many aspects to take into consideration when we talk about backlinks that this could take an entire post and lots of coffee to bare all the SEO myths that are out there and debunk them. But, I’ll save your energy and go with the one that interests us today, at this moment.


To figure out this backlink equality issue, let me present you two situations. If you search for “brown recluse” you’ll see search engine results from EmedicineHealth and LiveScience. The first page  has a well-covered topic with lots of on-topic content as you can see in the next screenshot:




The second page was a short article, poorly-covered with a lot of general information about a lot of things.




And then we checked the number of links. If we were to compare the two sites, the LiveScience has lots of links, it is a big site.


links for 2 different domains 1


If I had to choose, a link on EmedicineHealth would be more valuable than LiveScience.


Equality is not always the answer. Equity is.


Backlinks equality and equity



Link equity (formerly named link juice) is an important part of off-page SEO since it passes value and authority from one page to another.


Let’s accept and embrace the fact that backlinks are not created equal and focus on those which are more “juicy” or equitable.

Some links are more equal than others.


8. Keyword Optimization Matters Most in SEO


Targeted keywords optimization is one step in all the SEO process that happens on-site. The first would have to be keyword research. You can do that through multiple alternatives. Keyword Planner from Google Adwords has been one of the most popular options for a long period of time, but since SEO evolved, lots of agencies have proposed lots of other tools.


Some other opportunities that we can find in Google are the autocomplete suggestions we can see when we start typing in the search bar for a specific query (as represented in the next screenshot). Or, review the list of searches related to autocomplete suggestions that we can find at the bottom of the first page.


funny google searches autocomplete


There is also the Keyword tool and Content Assistant which is a complete option that includes the keyword research, competitor spying for that keyword, keyword and content optimization.


All the keyword phrases we use in a content create a vocabulary and therefore give a context to the topic we’ve written about. Due to that, Google uses Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to understand if your content is related to a search query. In case you need guidance using keywords suggestions that take this algorithm into consideration, Content Assistance can give it to you in seconds. The tool uses the same algorithm for extracting keyword recommendation you could use in your content.


But keywords do not represent everything, context does. It just started to have a major impact on search results. And let’s not forget RankBrain, which helps Google process its search results through artificial intelligence. So Google will start to offer more personalized results based on each individual behavior. It goes through billions of pages and selects only the most relevant for particular queries.


Nowadays, as we mentioned several times, Google’s trying to optimize the page for the user. So if you’re trying to use specific words over and over again just to optimize for the search engines, it will only weaken your website. In the end, you might get penalized and suffer a great loss.  


Taking into consideration the SEO process we talked about, keyword optimization is not the crucial SEO element or the most important one, but it is the first one. It is a dwarf among giants. There are arguably even more relevant aspects. At the moment, we can not point to a specific SEO element that is the most important one, but rather there is a handful of steps and aspects that create a synergy.


9. Artificial Social Shares Will Boost Your Rankings


We’ll start by saying that artificial or fake social shares are considered to be black hat social media techniques.


We talked before about social signals and you know by now that they are emerging as ranking factors as search engines try to understand our social interaction and behavior. In this manner, a page with lots of shares and links has the advantage to rank higher. But just like any abuse of guidelines, these tricks that fool the system are penalized.


That being the case, Facebook says that buying fake likes, shares will only hurt you; it might get harder for those who want to advertise, too. Not once did it happen for Facebook to suspend advertising accounts. And it’s not so easy to reactivate such an account.

Pages with artificially inflated like counts are harming themselves, making it harder and more expensive to reach the people they care about most.
facebook Facebook

Facebook adds that they value real connection and support strong relationships created through the platform.

We have a strong incentive to aggressively go after the bad actors behind fake likes because businesses and people who use our platform want real connections and results.
facebook Facebook

Experts value the power of social signals but only used for the right reasons, not for inflating with artificial shares and likes that pollute the social platform.  

Social media is a set of modern communications channels that can be used to transmit “content” and communications to an audience. As such, it can be used, in this context, to publicize “content” and news so that more people hear about you and then link to you. And those links can help your rankings.
Samuel Scott Samuel Scott
Marketing speaker and tech contrarian / @samueljscott

The bottom line is artificial social shares don’t help in keyword ranking. In the best case scenario, you should call yourself lucky if your account isn’t suspended. Facebook is using AI to penalize spammy websites in its News Feed.


10. Keyword Density Should Be at Least 2% to Increase Your Rankings


Keywords, in all its forms for SEO, seems to be a hotly contested topic.


At this point, I barely have strength left to argue. It starts to get funnier or is it rather me feeling nervous-funny.

Nervous laugh


The never-ending talk about keyword density that should be 10%, 4,5% or 7 %. We’re starting to ask ourselves if is so hard to be natural these days?!

unnatural vs natural

It’s ironic, you’re asking “What would the algorithm think about this?” and the algorithm is asking, “What would a real human think about this?”


During a Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout, last year, John Mueller said that the focus should be on the readability and not on the keyword density.

We expect content to be written naturally, so focusing on keyword density is not a good use of your time. Focusing too much on keyword density makes it look like your content is unnatural.
John Mueller SEO John Mueller
Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google /  @JohnMu

Keyword density might lead to keyword stuffing if you try and program everything like it is a machine.

A lot of people think there’s one recipe and you can follow it like baking cookies. And if you follow it to the letter, you’ll rank number one. That’s not the way it works.
Matt Cutts about nofollow links Matt Cutts
Former head of the webspam team at Google / @mattcutts

That’s not how the search engines work. Google will recognize the pattern.


The sad part is that we are in 2018 and we’re still hearing questions such as “what is the ideal keyword density percentage to improve rankings in Google in 2018?” (*facepalm* and *heavy breathing*).


Then you go back to quality, the naturalness of things. So no, you should not focus on maintaining your keyword density a specific percentage to rank higher. There is no IDEAL % for keyword density. Rather have a vocabulary, semantics, a long copy to avoid keyword stuffing. In the end, be very careful not to have too much of one keyword.


11. A High Number of Links Is All You Need to Rank on the Top


The myth goes something like this: once you have so many links, you don’t really need anymore. And it should be enough for helping you rank higher. No numbers are thrown out (apparently it might differ from one industry to another), but it is really such a thing of having too many links that it doesn’t matter in terms of ranking if you get more? 


In the ante-Penguin Era, a high number of links might be enough for ranking on top if you wanted to believe that.


Obviously, there is no such thing as too many links. Maybe for unnatural links, though. Because if you have too many unnatural links you might get penalized. But here we are talking about good links as ranking signals. Smart marketers and webmasters wouldn’t pursue this, because they know (spoiler alert: debunking a myth right now) links is not the only ranking factor and neither is the number of those links. The focus should be on content marketing, social activities, natural links, since we talked so much about them.


12. You Don’t Need an SEO Specialist; Anyone Can Do It


Whoever said SEO is something any IT guy can do, fooled you.


There is, indeed, technical SEO, which as the name says, requires some technical expertise. It is an SEO component, entirely something else. If you hear technical it doesn’t necessarily have to be IT. The job of an SEO expert is different from an IT expert; it requires wider knowledge on content, user behaviour, equity, semantics and context, and a lot more.  

Think of SEO this way: If a customer-focused content marketing program is the sandwich, then SEO is the mayonnaise. It touches nearly everything and enhances the overall flavor of the sandwich, but on its own, it’s not very appetizing.
Lee Odden Lee Odden
CEO at TopRank Marketing / @leeodden

Of course, you need the knowledge of an IT person that can handle some things better than an SEO pro. You can not give or expect from somebody experienced in IT to do the SEO duties and expect best practices and great results. Some things go hand in hand.


An IT professional can help you with issues such as website crawling (errors, XML sitemap, URL parameters, indexing errors), redirects, website audit (for internal links), loading page speed, some local SEO issues, and many more.


In the end, SEO isn’t something you can handle to an IT person, in case you want to rank and have a site and visitors.



13. SEO Is All About Rankings


Search engine optimization is the process for naturally placing the website in search results by the search engines. If we think from the on-site perspective, then the keywords used in context, the meta descriptions, the images selected for the content, the title are significant among all the on-site SEO elements.


Getting this straight, we need to understand that SEO, at this level, must answer to the user need and intent. That is the future: the user-intent-based content. Google’s moving the attention on user intent for more accurate and personalized results.


Relevant and well-optimized (not over-optimized) content remains a top ranking factor. Think of that this way: you are on the first page of Google and rank for a keyword you optimized your content for. You want the users to enter your website or not? If the answer is yes and they will do so it means you optimized correctly your content, you have relevant meta description, title, URL. If on the contrary, the user doesn’t enter your website it means it’s not relevant, you optimized the content for the search engines, and that won’t last for long.

My rule of thumb is: build a site for a user, not a spider.
Dave Naylor Dave Naylor
Head of Search Marketing and Speaker at Bronco / @DaveNaylor

Lost are the days when over-optimization was doing all the job for ranking your content higher and higher ‘till it reached the sky, because sky is the limit. But no more!


Over-optimization for the sole purpose of ranking isn’t a technique approved by Google according to the Quality Guidelines.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.
Wendy Piersall Wendy Piersall
Blogger & author at / @emom

But for some other reason, if you have over-optimized content, you have a chance to clear your past and deoptimize it. At this stage, you have to evaluate your content and see if there is anything you can adjust, redirect or rewrite and re-optimize to fulfill the actual requirements for quality.


If you got it until here, I must congratulate you and ask you to debunk another SEO myth, and tell the truth, that SEO is not all about rankings, but rather quality, natural language, context and earning links (named just a few, because we could keep it like this all night).




13 is an unlucky number, not to mention when it is placed near SEO myths. The internet is full of them, and people follow them blindfoldedly. You decide what is best for your business and what SEO strategies to apply or not. Yet, we wanted to share and debunk with you the most common SEO myths, the ones that we are constantly asked about.   


In the online marketing world, there will always be tons of detours, easy fixes, or “a complete guide to SEO and conversion rate optimization” that will increase your search engine rankings on the spot. We’ve tried to cover some of the biggest SEO myths; yet, we know that there other highly debatable topics in the industry worth tackled, like voice search or guest blogging. Whenever we’ll feel the need, we’ll update this list and we hope we’ll get updates from your side as well. 


We are always trying to provide you with valuable content and information in the SEO world, with facts that can be applied and aspects you should stay away from and never challenge Google or other search engines. These SEO myths are in the last category and we hope that this article was a helping hand. If you have some other SEO myths you want to share or discuss with us, feel free to write about them at the comments section below. 


The post 13 SEO Myths That Will Probably Kill Your Ranks in 2020 appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

13 SEO Myths That Will Probably Kill Your Ranks in 2020 posted first on

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Creating content that doesn’t compete with your eCommerce pages

For eCommerce sites, editorial content can be a fantastic way to attract new customers, build loyalty and showcase your product offerings in exciting ways. One common challenge that can quickly crop up though, is that of duplicate content where blog posts and product pages start targeting the same terms. Planning and creating well thought out, […]

The post Creating content that doesn’t compete with your eCommerce pages appeared first on Builtvisible.

Creating content that doesn’t compete with your eCommerce pages posted first on

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

JavaScript Crawling for Better & More Accurate Site Audits

There are over 1.5 billion web sites in the world, and JavaScript is used on 95% of them.


With no additional introduction on the importance of performing an in-depth SEO analysis on your site, regardless of the language programming it uses,  we are proud to tell you that starting today, cognitiveSEO can crawl and perform in-depth site audits on all type of websites, JavaScript generated sites included. 


JavaScript Crawling for Accurate Site Audits


With so many sites using content generated with JavaScript, you might feel that there is no need to highlight the importance of JS. Yet, with so many changes happening in the world wide web, it is safe to assume that one might not be up to date with everything that is happening in web development. However, using JavaScript highly impacts a business and its SEO strategy; therefore, being able to run site audits on all type of sites is a must these days.  


So, indulge us to talk a bit about the importance of JavaScript Crawling, about how to run a site audit on JS generated sites within cognitiveSEO and how JavaScript affects SEO. 


Find All Possible SEO Issues on JavaScript Websites


As we mentioned before, cognitiveSEO has just added a brand new feature: the possibility of crawling & analyzing JavaScript websites


You can find all the possible technical and SEO issues a site may have and get recommendations on how to fix them.


cognitiveSEO’s Site Audit analyzes the technical health of your JavaScript website and helps you detect all the weak points of your website before your users do, giving you a competitive advantage on the competitive market we are swimming in. The SEO Audit Tool crawls all the pages it finds on a website, be it JavaScript or not, regardless of the size of your website, and provides a fully customized set of data easy to comprehend and visualize.


cognitiveSEO site audit


The truth is that with the ever-evolving search engines algorithms you need an efficient solution to keep your rankings safe. And cognitiveSEO does exactly that: it lets you know all the issues that might prevent your online business from getting the organic traffic and the high rankings you deserve.


You can set JavaScript crawling for any site with literally one click: simply enable the JavaScript crawling functionality from the editing section and you’re all set. 


javascript crawling site audit cognitiveseo


Of course, along with this functionality there are dozens of other customizations you can add to your site audit so it can best respond to your needs: crawl structure, when to crawl, what to crawl, crawl sources, etc. Anything you need to perform a site audit as accurate and reliable as possible. 


buton audit website


Performing a complete JavaSscript website audit will give you a deeper understanding of why your site is not generating the organic traffic you think it should or why your sales and conversions are not improving. This kind of website audit gives you a much wider array of SEO items to look at and can analyze issues of all types that might prevent you from reaching your best possible ranking.


top issues


Why Is JavaScript Crawling So Important?


There are tons of websites using JS and it’s easy to understand why this happens. Using JavaScript in designing and building websites is very popular as it makes it possible to create interactive and dynamic content. Visual animations, navigation, displaying dynamic content to users based on specific behaviors are just a few of the things that can be done with JavaScript.


Yet, analyzing a JavaScript website is not always a walk in the park. It requires a lots of resources and in-depth analyses. Luckily, you don’t need to worry about this anymore as you can run complete Site Audits within cognitiveSEO, on all types of websites. 


Here are just some of the advantages of enabling JavaScript crawling when running a Site Audit: 


You’ll get a more accurate analysis and you’ll have a better issues identification.


Many sites use JavaScript generated content, be it completely or partially. Even if your site has only a couple of elements generated with JS, it is highly important to get those sections analyzed as well. It’s always the small pieces that make the bigger picture. 


You can find out how crawlable your pages are with and without JavaScript rendering enabled.


JavaScript analysis is the closest thing you get to what your users actually see within their browsers. You can run an SEO audit, with and without JS enabled and see the differences for yourself. 


before and after javascritp crawling cognitiveseo


You can analyze a wider range of websites.


So, let’s say that you want a really cool site template, with a dandy interface, so you choose to create your site using Wix, for instance. That’s awesome! The downside is that in most of the instances you’ll hardly find possibilities of completely analyzing all the technical and SEO issues your site might have.  Yet, the JavaScript crawling gets things done for you, allowing you to analyze sites built with different platforms and programming languages. 


What Is JavaScript and How Does it Work?


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages to develop websites. It uses frameworks to create interactive web pages by controlling the behavior of different elements on the page.


Initially, JS frameworks were implemented client-side (front-end) only in browsers, but now the code is embedded in other host software, such as server-side (back-end) in web servers and databases, which will save you from a lot of trouble and pain. The problems started when JavaScript implementation relied only on client-side rendering.


If JavaScript frameworks have server-side rendering, you’ve already solved the problem before it even arises. To better understand exactly why problems appear and how you can avoid them, it is important to have some basic knowledge on how search engines work. For that, we need to establish the phases of the information retrieval process: crawling, indexing and ranking.



How JavaScript Affects SEO


If you want to find out more about the impact of JavaScript on SEO, you need to know that we wrote a more exhaustive piece of content on JavaScript and SEO.


JavaScript means more loading time speed and faster server load (code functions run immediately instead of waiting for the server to answer), easier implementation, richer interfaces and higher versatility (can be used in a huge variety of applications). But JavaScript SEO brings some problems along the way. Lots of webmasters fail to optimize the content that uses JavaScript code. And this is (most likely) because they don’t have a complete site audit overview. 


Everybody started to doubt whether search engines, like Google, are able to crawl JavaScript. And that was the wrong question to ask. The better question to ask is can search engines parse and understand the content rendered by Javascript? In other words, can Google rank your website if it’s made in JavaScript? The truth is that more and more websites are relying on JavaScript, so search engines have improved their page rendering functionality.

Even if not completely maybe, it’s important to know that Google is able to crawl and index the rendered version of pages as well as the HTML version.


So, the questions that pop out are: 


  • Does Google crawl JavaScript?” The answer is more and more lately.
  • Does Google index JavaScript?” The answer is yes.
  • Should I use JavaScript?” The answer is it depends on your needs.


A JS website is indexed and ranked. We’ve learned things the hard way until now. We know that making it easier for Google to understand the generated content is the best approach. To help Google rank content that uses JavaScript, you need tools and plugins to make it SEO friendly. And you need a comprehensive SEO analysis to make sure your site is performing as well as it can. 


It’s not all sunshine and roses, we know. You need to know that JavaScript uses up crawl budget as Google requires more resources to render, crawl and index JS websites, adding a layer of complexity to the process. Moreover, JavaScript can be hard to combine with good SEO.


Yet, regardless of all these matters, keep in mind that a good SEO Audit can save you from lots of bigger troubles; and since you now have the possibility of performing audits on all types of sites, JS included, you have no excuses for not performing a Site Audit right now. 

The post JavaScript Crawling for Better & More Accurate Site Audits appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

JavaScript Crawling for Better & More Accurate Site Audits posted first on

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO?

Not long ago, Google has released version 68 of the Chrome Web Browser. In this version, websites that don’t run on HTTPS will be marked as Not Secure. This might lead to the following question: does Google value websites with SSL certificates more? Will they rank better? Is it worth to make the switch?


In this article (Updated 2019) you’ll find out whether SSL certificates matter for SEO or not. You’ll also learn exactly how to migrate your website from HTTP to HTTPS without suffering any ranking drops. Yes, you heard that right. If you’re not careful, you can mess up your search engine rankings!




Warning: Switching a website from HTTP to HTTPS the wrong way can heavily mess up your search rankings! There are many things that must be taken into consideration. A simple backup of the website will not help! That’s because you’re playing with the URLs which Google has already indexed. Changing those without a proper 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS on the entire website will cause Google to think the old, indexed URLs have vanished. The HTTP to HTTPS migration guide at the end of the article will help, but if you’re not sure what you’re doing, please contact an SEO professional who can assist you with the migration. We can not be held responsible if things go wrong!


  1. SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance
    1. What is HTTPS
    2. What are SSL Certificates
    3. Why HTTPS is Important
  2. How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?
    1. HTTPS as a ranking factor
    2. User’s trust
    3. GDPR issues
    4. Does HTTPS Affect Performance?
  3. How to Switch from HTTP to HTTPS
    1. Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate
    2. Add HTTPS Version to Search Console
    3. Set up 301 redirects
    4. Change All Internal Links
    5. Fix Mixed Content Issues
    6. Make Sure Everything Works Properly
    7. Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your Backlinks

SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance


I’ll try to keep it short. Cryptography isn’t something easy to digest, but without having a general idea of how it works and what problems it solves, we can’t really understand its importance. If you have any specific questions, ask them in the comments section and I’ll do my best to reply.


What is HTTPS?


HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (it’s actually Hypertext Transfer Protocol, but that should be only HTP, right?). What you need to know is that it’s a protocol that web servers, data centers and browsers use to transfer information across the web.

The S at the ending of HTTPS just stands for Secure.

The security comes through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Sometimes, it might also be referred to as TLS (Transport Layer Security). It’s a method of securing the data which need to be transported.


The method through which the data are secured is called Cryptography. By encrypting a message, only the ones that know the decryption key will be able to read it. For example, if we both decided upfront that A = 1, B = 2, C =3 and so on, I could send you the message 8 5 12 12 15 and you would read it as Hello. This is called symmetric cryptography.


The issue with symmetric cryptography is the fact that both parties must know the encryption / decryption key upfront in order to properly communicate, so at least one secret meeting must be arranged prior to messaging. Pretty difficult to do when you want to chat with someone across the Globe.


how cryptography ssl https work


So, to overcome this issue, we can use asymmetric cryptography. This type of cryptography uses 2 keys. A private one and a public one. They can both decipher each other. This means that any message encrypted with the public key can be read using the private key and vice versa.


If I want to make sure nobody publishes information under my name, I can use asymmetric cryptography. I generate both a private key and a public key. The public key I send out for everyone to know. If I publish something online and encrypt it with my private key, you could only decipher it with my public key. This way people will know the work is original. If you want to send me a private message, then you would just have to encrypt it using the public key. Only I will be able to read it.


This comes in handy in these modern days when communication happens over very big distances. People can now share information securely without both parties needing to know each other’s keys.


What is SSL & What are SSL Certificates?


SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. Let’s say it’s related to the S in HTTPS. However, we usually hear about SSL in relation to Certificates. So what are SSL Certificates?


Well, SSL certificates are only used to confirm the identity of a website. These certificates are emitted and signed by certificate authorities with their private keys. Before getting a certificate from them, you must somehow confirm your identity and prove you are the organization and website owner.


I could emit a public key out there saying that I’m Adrian, but how would you actually know it’s me? That’s why we have Secure Sockets Layer Certificates.


There are different types of SSL Certificates, but the most common ones are Domain Verified Certificates. These certificates can even be obtained for free these days (keep reading and I’ll tell you how). The verification process is pretty simple and very similar to the Google Search Console one. You upload an HTML file to your server, proving you’re the entity.


Of course, when you want to prove you’re a person or an entire company, you need to provide some sort of proof. For this, there are other types of SSL certificates, such as Organization Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificates. They are more expensive and require further verification, such as company documents or IDs. The verification process might take a while.


Before the new Chrome updates (in which they stopped displaying HTTP and HTTPS as well as the WWW prefix), certificates with Extended Validation used to look like this:


Imagini pentru ev certificate

source: DigiCert


However, today you’ll have to click the lock icon to see if a website has a regular SSL Certificate or an entity validated one.


ev certificates ssl seo


Considering the above mentioned, there isn’t much of a difference between free, regular SSL certificates and premium ones, at least not anymore. Very few users will check the certificate, if any (as long as the lock is green). However, if your business relies on security and trust, then you should consider purchasing a premium SSL Certificate. This will ensure no errors will happen.


Web Browsers come packed up with a bunch of public keys from certificate authorities. They check if the certificates have been signed with the proper private keys, therefore confirming that their identity has been verified by a trusted authority and not by some random certificate generator. If the certificate is expired or not valid, a red warning will show up. 


connection not private expired ssl certificate red warning


This will definitely turn the user down, so make sure that if you run through HTTPS, your certificate is valid and working properly!


It’s better to run through HTTP than to run through HTTPS with an expired SSL certificate!


After the identity of the website has been confirmed by the browser, the web server and the client then establish a secure communication channel. Asymmetric cryptography is used to send a symmetric key which only the server and the client know. Then, the communication channel is secure and any attempt to read the information which is passed between the server and client will require the decryption key.


So why is this so important? Why are people so crazy about HTTPS?


Well, when your users browse your website, they often send information, through contact forms for example. Without encryption, that information can be intercepted by what people call “Man in the middle.” Although contact forms only contain names and e-mails, things get worse when we’re talking credit card information or bank accounts and passwords.


By using an SSL Certificate, webmasters can improve the security of their websites and better protect their users’ information.


How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?


Now that we better understand what HTTP is, we can take a glimpse at its importance. There are multiple ways in which SSL Certificates and HTTPS can impact search engine optimization and Google rankings. Some of them are strictly algorithmic, while others can be less direct, but very meaningful as well. Let’s start with what we know for sure:


HTTPS as a ranking factor


First, you have to know that, theoretically, SSL Certificates do affect SEO. This is actually an official Google statement from 2014. They are considered a ranking factor, out wide in the open.


Why? Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is definitely security. If Google provides its users with better security, it provides better value and the users will be pleased. The fact that internet credit card fraud is on the rise definitely pushed Google into this direction.


https as ranking signal important for seo


Google has tested its search results with HTTPS as a ranking signal and has seen positive feedback. This could also mean that webmasters that take security seriously might generally present better websites. They care about the users.


Although this impact is fairly small, affecting less than 1% of websites, many webmasters have adopted HTTPS. Not long ago, less than 10% of websites were secured with an SSL certificate. Now, more than half of all websites are probably secure.


https affects seo


Why didn’t Google do this earlier? Well, to be honest, I think it’s because it would’ve been a little bit unfair. Back in the day, SSL Certificates were not so easy to obtain and some of them were quite expensive. Today, however, almost anyone can secure their website with a free one. This means that money won’t really have a say in this.


Quick Tip: Basic SSL Certificates can be obtained for free. If you’re just starting out, don’t spend unnecessary money. Keep reading to find out how to get one!


This HTTPS SSL Certificates update is one of the weaker ranking signals in Google’s algorithm. Let’s say that… adding HTTPS won’t get you an SEO ranking boost, but not adding it might affect your Google rankings over time.




Well, it’s because internet users will trust it less and they will leave it quicker. Your conversions will drop. These are all ranking signals that the site isn’t doing well, which Google translates into “I should rank this unsecure site lower and reward a website with a secure connection instead.”


The truth is that a modern, dynamic website can’t work well without HTTPS.


User’s trust


Another way in which SSL Certificates could affect SEO is related to the user experience. Some internet users might have no clue what’s happening, but others prefer to browse websites that are secure. This is where an Extended Validation SSL might come in handy. Here’s the difference between a regular, Domain Validated SSL Certificate and a more expensive Extended Validation SSL Certificate.


Regular Domain Validated SSL Certificate (easily obtained for free)

Extended Validation SSL Certificate (more expensive)


Starting with Chrome Version 68 (24th July 2018), the browser now shows the warning Not Secure when you access a website through HTTP. Users will now definitely ask themselves more questions when seeing that message instead of just the Information icon.


http shows not secure warning since Chrome 68

Screenshot from the Chromium Blog


Who knows, in the future you’ll probably going to see a red warning, just like the one with invalid SSL certificates. That day has not come yet, but it’s probably not far!


GDPR issues


It’s obvious that people are more and more interested in the safety and privacy of their personal information, especially when it comes to websites. Just imagine a breach into Facebook’s servers! You would know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. Now I know, Facebook is already selling that data to whoever pays good, and you’ve accepted all the terms at signup. But when it comes to security, websites like Facebook are pretty solid.


Still, maybe a picture of what you’ve eaten this morning isn’t so concerning if it gets hijacked and stolen, but your credit card information when you’re making payments on ecommerce websites is!


As of May 25th 2018, GDPR has had a huge impact on websites. GDPR specifies that any personal data should be handled securely. This forces webmasters that have even the smallest contact form to switch their website from HTTP to HTTPS to ensure the security of their users’ personal data.


So, not only can it benefit your SEO rankings if you switch to HTTPS, but it might also get you a fat fine if you don’t. Although usually you will see some ranking boosts, if you mess up your redirects and don’t implement HTTPS correctly, your entire site can drop from the search engine results. Make sure you know what you’re doing before you start.


Does HTTPS Affect Website Performance?


Ok, now we know how HTTPS affects websites from a search results perspective. But how does it affect a website technically? Will it affect its performance? Will the site be slower?


Well… theoretically… yes. You can expect a delay of about 0.1 seconds compared to regular, unsecured HTTP requests. However, it really depends on your server’s performance. Most servers today are fast enough to handle SSL Certificates and HTTPS. You won’t notice the difference.


SSL HTTPS Affect Performance


Using services such as CloudFlare (3rd Party SSL implementation) will probably result in a slower PageSpeed Insights score, but it can be fixed with plugins such as WP Rocket.


However, the small hit in loading time and virtual points generated by some tool is far from outweighing the benefits of having a secure site connection.


How to Switch from HTTP to HTTPS


Switching from HTTP to HTTPS can be a hassle, especially if you’re not running on a popular CMS, like WordPress. However, you can take a look at the following guide to make sure you don’t make some of the biggest mistakes.


Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate


The first step is to acquire an SSL Certificate and install it. You might already have one, even if your website isn’t already running on it. Some hosting providers also offer free SSL Certificates. To find out, just go to instead of the regular HTTP. If you see a red warning, you probably don’t have one (or it has expired). Then, just click the Information icon:


Not fully secure https connection


If the popup says Certificate: Valid then you have an SSL Certificate. Click it to see more details about it, such as for how long it is valid. If you don’t see the word Certificate there, then you probably don’t have one.


You can get an SSL Certificate anywhere. Just search Google for SSL Certificate and you’ll find plenty of providers. Search for the best deal and also look at user reviews. You should also be able to purchase certificates directly via the cPanel on your server, if you’re looking for an EV Certificate, for instance.


However, for most people, a Free SSL Certificate is most likely the best way to go. A really easy way to do that is by using CloudFlare. Instead of using your server, CloudFlare uses its own servers to secure your connection.


To activate CloudFlare, you’ll have to create an account and register a website. Setup is usually automatic, but they have step by step instructions as well. After that you’ll have to login to your Domain Registrar and add CloudFlare’s nameservers instead of your server’s.


This way, the traffic will first pass through CloudFlare’s firewalls, which will secure the connection and will ensure hackers stay out.


One downside (at least for the free version) is that when their servers are under heavy load, your site might load slower. You can fix this with WP Rocket, though. You have a special section for CloudFlare settings there. I’ve been using it on websites for years, and I can say the free version is awesome and the websites are fast.


If CloudFlare isn’t the thing for you, you can also try Comodo or Let’s Encrypt via Zero SSL. We’ll go with the Zero SSL example.


First you’ll need a signing request from your server’s cPanel. If you don’t know how to get one, ask your hosting provider. You’ll find that under the SSL section. Just add the details for your website and a request will be generated. You can download it as a file.



Then you have to upload it to Zero SSL. The website provides step by step instructions.



You’ll have to provide some sort of verification, most of the time by uploading a file on your web servers (just like with Google Analytics or Google Search Console). They usually provide step by step guides on how to verify your identity. There’s more than one method, so pick the one that’s easiest for you.


Once you get the certificates, you’ll have to install them in your cPanel in the SSL Certificates section (Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates). The process is pretty simple. Just scroll down and add the certificate.


After installing the certificate, you should be able to access your website via HTTPS.




Add HTTPS Version to Search Console


The next step is to go to your Google Search Console and add the HTTPS version of your website. You can also set the preferred version, but I highly recommend that you let Google choose for now and only do this after you’ve successfully implemented the HTTPS.


You should also make sure that the Google Analytics or any other web analytics software you’re using are also able to track HTTPS from now on.


Set up 301 redirects


Warning: This is the crucial step. If you don’t redirect properly, your SEO rankings will drop! Why? Because Google will have to deindex the old HTTP site and index the HTTPS one, without having any idea that they’re actually connected. Also, users that land on HTTP versions (from old backlinks for example) will never get to see the HTTPS version.


To redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, you can either use a plugin or do it via the server. If you’re running on Apache Web Server, you can set the redirects via the .htaccess file. However, it’s a little technical and, depending on other functionalities, conflicts may occur.


If you’re running on WordPress, you’re lucky! You can use the Really Simple SSL plugin and it will do everything for you (set up 301s, change main domain to HTTPS and change all the links from the database to HTTPS).


Image result for really simple ssl

Really Simple SSL WP Plugin


So make sure that all HTTP versions will properly redirect to their HTTPS counterparts. Take into account www, non-www, slashed vs non-slashed and parameters.


Here you should also change the main URL of your website to HTTPS. This is usually done in some sort of configuration file. In WordPress, it can be changed in the General Settings area. The Really Simple SSL plugin will do this for you, anyway.


Note that some platforms might not fix all the URLs. It is mandatory that each URL properly 301 redirects to its new HTTPS counterpart. So becomes and becomes


You should make sure that all other variants of your website redirect to a single one, with HTTPS, be it WWW or non-WWW. This is called a Preferred Domain Version. It’s best if the redirects don’t happen in chain. So instead of having > > it should be > and >


You can check that quickly with the CognitiveSEO Site Audit. Go do Indexability, then Preferred Domain.


Preferred Domain HTTPS


Change All Internal Links


Even if you change your main URL to HTTPS, some static content might stay unsecured. You have to make sure you fix this, otherwise some issues may occur.



Canonical Tags: Canonical tags are often forgotten. If you’re running through HTTPS and your canonical tag points to the HTTP version, Google will think that it has to index HTTP. The problem is that if HTTP 301 redirects to HTTPS then Google will get into a loop and it won’t be very pleased.


To find out if your canonical tags are properly set up to HTTPS, press CTRL + U while on your website in Google Chrome to view the site’s source, then search for canonical with CTRL + F.


Hreflang: Same thing as with canonical tags, the hreflang tags should point to the correct HTTPS counterpart, even though 301 redirects are in place. Make sure you check that in the source of the site.


Internal links: If don’t change the links from HTTP to HTTPS, you’ll get a mixed content warning (we’ll discuss this in more detail below).


Most of the times, this won’t happen when you’re using a popular Content Management System, but it can often happen on custom platforms and the effects can be devastating. Make sure everything is in order.


Other things that should be taken into account are XML sitemaps, external tools and e-mail systems (that might’ve run through unsecured channels).


Fix Mixed Content Issues



Many times, after implementing SSL on your website, you will get an exclamation mark instead of a green lock, or might even get the red lock. This error is caused by Mixed Content.


Mixed content actually means that some resources on your website load through HTTPS, but others load through HTTP. When you click the lock icon in the browsers, you should see a message as follow:


Your connection to is encrypted with 256-bit encryption. However, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit, and can be modified by an attacker to change the behavior of the page.


If you have mixed content, the green lock and secure message won’t appear, even if you have a valid SSL certificate installed.


Update: Starting from December 2019, Google will block mixed content pages, meaning they will show up as unsecure!


To fix this issue, you must identify the resources on your website that are loaded through HTTP and force them to load through HTTPS.


seo mixed content tool

Evil SEO Cactus Mixing Some Content


There are multiple causes that can generate mixed content warnings:


Static links in pages:


Maybe you’ve written an article an linked to a page of yours through an absolute URL. Absolute URLs look like this while relative ones are just /pricing.php. Relative URLs change automatically, but absolute ones don’t.


You might have also linked to an external site’s image. Since the resource loads through HTTP, it isn’t secured.


Unfortunately, these links won’t change unless you update them manually, as they might not be linked to the platform’s URL generation. In WordPress’ case for example, they don’t change.


You can always try a plugin that fixes mixed content such as SSL Insecure Content Fixer. However, they do not always work.


Another good way of trying to fix everything quick is to download your Database and edit it with a tool such as Notepad++. Then you can find and replace every HTTP instance with HTTPS (start with your own domain first and then expand to external ones).


Warning: Make sure to have a backup of your original database, before any replacing is done.


Mixed content from CSS files:


Sometimes, web design elements such as CSS files can also contain static resources (images) that load through HTTP. Those are a little harder to identify because they can’t be found within the source code of the page (unless the CSS is generated in-line).


Old themes often create this mixed content issue, due to the fact that once upon a time, using HTTP was fine.


A good way of identifying hidden mixed content is to use Google Chrome’s Inspect Tool. Hit CTRL + Shift + I on your keyboard (or hit right Click > Inspect) while browsing a page with mixed content issues. Then you have to go to the Network section. If you press F5, you’ll see all the resources loading.


There you can identify which resource is loaded through HTTP and causes an error. Under the Initiator column you can find the file that is responsible, such as the CSS file. Proceed to edit the CSS file from your server and replace HTTP with HTTPS. Note that if this fix isn’t patched into the Theme itself, updating your theme will overwrite the modified CSS file with the one with problems.


However, this method is time consuming and you won’t be able to analyze every page! You can use the CognitiveSEO Site Audit to speed up the process.


If you’re looking to quickly identify all the mixed content issues on your website you can always check out the CognitiveSEO Site Audit‘s Mixed Content section.


mixed content cognitiveseo


Once you fix things, make sure to recrawl the pages in the tool to see if you’ve missed anything.


Make Sure Everything Works Properly


Switching to HTTPS can often cause issues with plugins, APIs and other functions within the website. Make sure you browse your website properly for a couple of hours and test every segment of it. Access every page to see if it loads and test if the contact forms, online orders and filtering/search features are working properly.


You can also now set HTTP as your preferred version in Google Search Console. WWW vs. non-WWW is irrelevant, but non-WWW tends to be shorter, so there will be more space for the URL when it shows up in Google. However, if you’ve been running on WWW so far, it’s a good idea to keep the WWW even with HTTPS.


Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your Backlinks


Many forget that they have to resubmit the disavow files. If you have ever suffered from a negative SEO attack you must download the disavow file from the HTTP version in Google Search Console and upload it into the HTTPS version. Although the 301 redirects are in place, it’s really important not to forget this step!


A final step would be to change as many of your old backlinks as possible from HTTP to HTTPS. Even with the 301 redirects in place, a small percentage of the link equity might be lost. Start with your social media profiles and backlinks you know you can change for sure in very little time.


It’s not worth it to spend countless hours and e-mail everyone to switch your URL from HTTP to HTTPS, but if you have some way of managing it faster, it’s worth a shot. Gather a list of your contacts on social media and blast them a message asking them to replace the HTTP backlinks with the new HTTPS ones.




Merging from HTTP to HTTPS can help you improve your search rankings. We can’t really go as far as to say it boosts rankings, but even if it doesn’t have any effect on your website right away, you’ll definitely see an improvement over time thanks to a better user experience.


To be honest, the only downside of implementing HTTPS on your website is the fact that it’s a little bit of a tricky process. However, once you get over it and implement it correctly, nothing bad can happen. Your site is safer, your information is safer and your user’s information is safer and that peace of mind is priceless.


What’s your experience with HTTPS and SSL Certificates? Have you encountered problems when merging your domain from one version to another? Have your rankings increased/decreased? Which SSL Certificate provider are you using? I’m curious. Let’s talk about it in the comments section!

The post HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO? posted first on